Wrist Guards, first or second generation? and why wear them.
Hi, Lately we been selling lots of wrist guards and with that we got lots of questions regarding our two offers. So one of our ambassadors Tacesk8 got a chance to compare both of them.
In short we totally changed them.
- New material
- Added removable metal supports
- Made them easier to use
- Removed unnecessary straps
- Added comfort
- Added adjust-ability (adjust once for your wrist and keep it in that position for as long as you wish)
Overall we improved our design and lots of people enjoy them more than our first generation.Maybe in the future when we receive more feedback we will improve them and have a similar design language as the rest of our growing gear collection.
Check out the video here, (its under 5 minutes, people say a picture is worth a thousand of words but a video is worth a million of words so enjoy)